How to make time for self-care [Mantra Magazine feature]

So excited to have been featured in Mantra Wellness Magazine's fall 2020 issue! Here’s my article:

There is external pressure to do, to have, and to be *everything*. We are told to take care of ourselves – often with the implication that we should be doing that AND get everything else done, too.


Here are some observations and ideas that have helped me on my self-care journey as a business owner:

1. Work with what you’ve got

It is tempting to think that we don’t have enough time to include self-care in our day – but more time is often not the answer to the too-much-on-our-plates problem. Instead, try to see time constraints as a gentle reminder of how much you can realistically manage in a day or week. In order to add in an activity, something else has to give way to it.

2. Evaluate the things that you do daily

The first step is to cross off tasks and activities that have made their way onto your task list, but that aren’t fully serving you and your goals.

The second step is to look for those activities that you do habitually, but that you would gladly switch out for some intentional, meaningful time to take care of yourself. Is it scrolling social media, TV time, or spending time at gatherings that don’t bring value to your life?

3. Plan for yourself first

Whether you schedule some time to go outside, to work out, to read, or to see your friends or take a vacation, put that into your schedule first. Defend those slots in your schedule, and plan everything else around them.

You may also want to start your days by doing something for your own well-being in the morning, before getting to everything else on your task list. This can help ground you – and set you up for success for the rest of the day.

4. Put self-care onto your task list

Because we tend to see everything on our to-do lists as equally important, why not use that to your advantage? Put your self-care activities on there, and feel the satisfaction of checking that box.

5. Embrace the fact that self-care doesn’t have to take much time

Some ideas for self-care activities that you can sprinkle throughout your day:

  • Do a full-body stretch in bed for a few seconds when you wake up.

  • Enjoy what you’re doing, even if it’s not at first thought enjoyable. Maybe you’re doing the dishes, getting dressed, vacuuming, driving to work, or taking the dog out. You’re already spending that time – so why not enjoy it? You’re doing it for a reason, and a positive mindset can help you feel good about it.

  • Acknowledge the things you appreciate along the way.  When good things happen throughout your day, pay attention to them. Really soak them in. Your day will feel fuller and more meaningful when you give extra weight to the positives.

  • Start winding down for sleep at a decent hour. Some TV time might feel tempting until late into the night, but you might be better off getting up early instead.

  • When in doubt, drink water. If you’re feeling sluggish, some hydration might be just what you need.

If we don’t accept our limitations of time and energy, it’ll lead to unhealthy stress that feeds the spiral of not taking good care of ourselves. If you work within the boundaries that you have, you will always have enough time for self-care.


On planning when you don't know how long a task will take


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