What we get wrong about productivity

When high-achiever business owners can’t get themselves to do everything, they often make it mean something about themselves.

They might

  • think they have a willpower, self-discipline, or motivation issue

  • worry about becoming lazy or falling behind, and

  • start working longer hours to make up for it

This can happen when we see being “productive” as part of our identity, instead of seeing productivity as a sum of many factors.

So what are the factors that impact your productivity?


Your Productivity Ecosystem

Rooted in my Finnish upbringing, my experience as a business owner, and my training as a psychologist, I’ve identified a three-part ecosystem that affects your productivity and ability to keep showing up long-term.

WHOLENESS. Living a life outside of your business matters. When you feel well physically, mentally and emotionally, you do better with everything you put energy into.

How do you take care of your basic needs (sleep, nutrition, movement etc)? Are you making time for hobbies and interests? Do you have time to nurture your social relationships? Are your recharge activities actually recharging? How do you care for your emotional and mental health?

DESIGN. The systems, practices, and routines that support you and allow you to spend your work time on the tasks that make an impact.

Is your workload manageable? Is your weekly schedule and how you plan your tasks working? How do you keep track of your clients and projects? Do your offers and pricing support your goals? Are your marketing and sales strategies practical for you?

SISU*. Boosting your ability to stay determined, motivated, and realistic towards what you want to accomplish, even when it feels challenging or requires iteration.

Do the things you do and aim for match what actually feels purposeful or exciting to you? It’s all about finding internal motivation and feeling challenged in a good way, instead of pushing yourself too hard and resorting to mindset trickery.

*Sisu is a Finnish word that roughly translates as resilience, grit, and determination.