Planning tasks according to your menstrual cycle or moon phases

I used to plan tasks according to when I thought I “should” get them done, and mixed a lot of different kinds of things per day and per week.

Some days or weeks I got a lot done and it all felt smooth and magical. Some days or weeks it felt like there was a brick wall full of resistance to doing even the most innocent-seeming tasks.

For a long time, I tried to push and be “on” every day – and wondered why I felt so unfocused and sluggish on some days. I used to think that the low energy week came because I had pushed too hard in the previous week – or because there was something wrong with me.

A couple of years ago I came across Kate Northrup’s book “Do Less” – and she was the first person I came across that took the cycle of the moon as well as hormonal cycles into consideration when planning her work.

It turns out, unsurprisingly, that this expectation to be able to show up the same every day is based on the hormonal cycle of people who don’t have a menstrual cycle, which is 24 hours. They basically get a reset every night.

For people who have periods, the hormonal cycle instead lasts for about a month. This means that some weeks are accompanied by more energy than others.

Since I learned about this, I’ve been planning my weekly tasks more according to my energy levels at different phases of my cycle.

When you work with your body, instead of trying to work against it, you’ll be more effective AND also make the most out of your rest.

(If you are on the pill, the hormonal phases may not quite match up – but you can see if the phases of the moon match up with your energy levels.)

New moon, menstrual phase

This is a time to rest, reflect, and evaluate things.

During this time I like to look at what’s happened, is there something on my schedule that I need to reevaluate and maybe take off, I check in on my finances and see if things are going in the right direction. I also feel like this has been a great week to take in new information, like watch a class or read.

Waxing moon, follicular phase

This is a great time for working on new ideas and starting up new projects.

I like to do some research and plan for my upcoming weeks – I write notes for what I want to say in my podcasts, and I figure out what other things I could be doing throughout the month to move things along, or if there are changes I need to make.

Full moon, ovulation

This is said to be the best time to communicate, collaborate, attract, share – simply to be out there.

Because I’m an introvert, I find this week particularly great. If there is hormonal help to be had for me when it comes to being out there, to recording podcasts or videos, or collaborating with someone, I will take all the help I can get.

Waning moon, luteal phase

This is said to be a great week to get things done and tie up loose ends that you’ve started.

I often try to not schedule too many appointments or things where I have to go head anywhere during my work hours – because I want to be able to be in my bubble and get the work done. 

A note on the yearly cycle

We are also energetically affected throughout the year – even if we’re expected to always go at the same pace in the modern workplace. While our energy levels fluctuate throughout every month, there might be some value in considering a theme for the overall season you’re in:

Winter: rest, recharge, and reflect

Spring: plan, start new projects

Summer: collaborate, be social, put yourself out there

Fall: wrap things up, finish projects, reset things for the next year

To note: it might be hard to work *only* on the kinds of tasks that are ideal for each phase. But even if you plan just part of your tasks according to your cycle or the phases of the moon, it could help everything else feel a bit smoother.

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