The Eisenhower Matrix according to your brain
It’s not your fault that it’s hard to focus on the most impactful tasks and projects in your business – your brain plays a major part in this.
5 activities that help your solo business grow without hustle
These are the top 5 activities I see as the most crucial ones that make an impact for small business owners.
5 ways to increase your productivity through boundaries
If you're struggling to stay productive when you want to be, and feel like you need to keep working 24/7, try to set some boundaries between your life and work.
4 steps to gain control of business tasks when feeling overwhelmed
Sometimes plans get derailed because life happens, and suddenly you have less time to finish what’s on your to-do list. The good news is that it’s far easier to refine a plan you already have than to craft a plan out of thin air when you’re feeling rushed.
Planning tasks according to your menstrual cycle or moon phases
When you work with your body, instead of trying to work against it, you’ll be more effective AND also make the most out of your rest.
R.U.L.E.S. for a schedule you’ll enjoy
These are not as much rules as they are the beliefs I have around what is important to take into consideration as you create a schedule you actually enjoy.