089: How do I keep track of everything without getting overwhelmed? [Consult call]

If you’ve got a lot going on and prioritizing is tricky, while at the same time you also often find yourself avoiding the tasks you’ve planned to do, I hope you’ll enjoy this consult call with Brian G. Murphy.

Because I know Brian from before, we don't spend much time talking about background stuff during this call, which differs a little bit from my usual consult calls – but I hope this give a good sense of what it's like to hop on a call with me.

During a consult, we dive into what's happening so that you can understand what's actually behind the challenges you're facing, because only then can we start coming up with solutions and action steps that address that challenge.

We covered:

  • what procrastination and avoiding tasks could be a symptom of

  • how not being clear on what to work on, or seeing too much on your to-do list, can cause you to "do nothing" all day (even when you'd have plenty to catch up on)

  • two possible ways Brian could plan his tasks for the day/week

  • how having less on the to-do list often ends up resulting in more tasks done (than staring at a long to-do list)

  • worries about picking too much onto the daily to-do list (but also worrying about things falling through the cracks if the list is too short)

  • concerns with themed days, especially what to do if the schedule gets thrown off track

  • honoring a task you've intended to do, but don't have time for

  • how a weekly structure doesn't have to remain the same forever; it can evolve as you and your business evolve

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090: Got swept up in a pricing “should”


088: When I *had to* take time off