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097: Tools, not rules
Let’s talk about how your systems, practices, routines, plans and schedules are just tools you can use when you need them – and drop when you don’t.
096: Strengthening your sisu AKA my approach to "mindset work"
If you feel like you have to force yourself to get things done, and you’d rather have internal motivation to do the things, I hope this episode gives you some things to think about.
095: Two things the online business space gets wrong about mindset
In this episode, I share two common "mindset myths" that I see in the online business space, and how they may be in the way of us making progress.
094: Is it mindset... or just an unsupportive schedule? [Consult call]
If your work day stretches out not because you have too much to do, but because you get distracted or procrastinate, I hope you'll like listening in on this consult call with Theresa.
093: What working with Jenna looks like
In this episode, I share a few things that inform the way I work, what it might look like to work with me, and what kinds of results you can expect.
092: Stay focused on your deep work with this helpful practice
If your brain tends to get distracted while doing deep work, and you often interrupt that work because of the ideas that pop up, you might benefit from the tool I share in this episode.